Southern Grants Forum 2019
It’s not too late to join fellow grant professionals in New Orleans from July 16-18, 2019 for Southern Grants Forum. Don’t miss the special discounted hotel room rate for attendees, which ends Monday, June 24th!
Attendees will learn how to better manage awards under the Uniform Grants Guidance (a.k.a. the OMB Super Circular) while staying up to date with recent grants management developments. You can also earn Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credit.
Featuring over a dozen speakers and two dozen educational sessions, Southern Grants Forum 2019 will be the largest ever. Sessions will discuss the Uniform Grants Guidance and accounting, legal, governance, technology, human resources, and programmatic issues for grant-funded entities.
Session highlights include:
• Understanding Indirect Costs – Get the road map to everything you ever wanted to know about indirect costs and indirect cost rates.
• Procurement Standards under the Uniform Grants Guidance – Learn the right way to procure goods and services using grant funds.
• Fraud Case Studies: Putting Lessons Learned to Work for Your Organization – Understand the warning signs of fraud from actual cases involving grant-funded entities.
• Dynamic Duo: Enhancing Board and Executive Directors’ Relationships and Performance – Strengthen the executive director and board working relationship to further the shared goal of creating a compliant and sustainable organization.
• Grant Writing to Private Funders – Diversify your funding streams by learning how to write winning grant proposals to private funding sources.
These are just some of the new and updated workshops that you will find in New Orleans this July. You can pick and choose the sessions that interest you most from across all five conference tracks.
Southern Grants Forum 2019 will offer useful information for all types of grant-funded entities (from nonprofits and governments to hospitals and colleges). Whether a direct grantee or pass-through entity, your organization will benefit from your attendance. Attendees can also earn up to 18 hours of CPE.
The conference takes place in the cultural heart of New Orleans at the Renaissance Arts District Hotel. Discounted room rates are still available. The group rates are also available up to three days before and after the conference dates, so come early and stay late. However, the reservations cut-off is in one week on June 24th.
You still have time to register for Southern Grants Forum 2019, but hurry! The conference is almost sold out, and the hotel reservations deadline is approaching fast. We will see you in New Orleans on July 16th to 18th.