Be Careful What You Ask For, You Just Might Get It!

Over the past several years, attendees have requested a number of Uniform Guidance topics that are very specific or can be covered in a mini-session.  These include:

  • How do I prepare a SEFA?
  • What property management requirements is my organization subject to under the Uniform Guidance?
  • We own our real property and want to charge the federal program rent.  What are the rules?
  • We have subrecipients and they are responsible for providing nonfederal share.  What are the rules under the Uniform Guidance regarding nonfederal share?

This session answers those questions.  In this session, we will cover (1) preparing the schedule of expenditures of federal awards (SEFA), (2) the property standards, (3) property charged to federal programs, and (4) non-federal share.

This session is recommended for all attendees affiliated with grant-funded organizations.  The experience level is basic.  There are no prerequisites for attendance, and prior preparation is not required but encouraged.  Attendees can earn up to 2.0 hours of CPE credit in the field of Specialized Knowledge.

Fiscal Grants Management
